If you do not find the answer to your question, then please contact our customer service team who will be happy to assist you.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you do not find the answer to your question, then please contact our customer service team who will be happy to assist you.

We specialise in supplying quality genuine new, aftermarket & used automotive parts for all makes and models. If you wish to place an order for an after market part please get in contact with our team and they will look after you.

If you wish to order your parts but cannot find them online, please feel free to call our experienced team during the business hours. The contact details can be found on the end of the page or you can go to our contact page.

We try to dispatch the order on the same day. If there is any issues regarding your order we will contact you prior to dispatch.

Yes, there is warranty please refer to our Terms and Conditions.

We generally do not accept refunds or exchange of a product once it has been purchased unless it is faulty. Any decision to exchange or refund of a product is completely at our discretion. Please contact us on +61477155509 for more information.

We charge 1.5% for all debit/credit cards purchases on our online shop and over the phone. We don't charge for any Debit/Credit card fee if you pay in the shop.

Yes! We are able to assist in getting you the trade prices, please send us an email with as much information about the business. Our experienced and friendly staff will get in contact with you within 24 hours.

Your orders are dispatched within 2 days after the payment has been made. For metropolitan and rural areas it takes between 2 - 5 days. Interstate deliveries can take up to 5 - 7 days.

If an item was broken during the shipping we are happy to provide you with a refund. However, it is your duty to notify us on the same day you received your order. If the item was found to be tempered with, we will not be processing the refund.

You will be responsible for any kind charges for return shipping. If the product is broken during the shipping you will be liable and will have to pay extra for any further damage caused by you or during the shipping.

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